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Below is a list of current workshops. These workshops are a few of the topics that C.E.C.I. offers and can be designed to any length of time to meet your specific needs - from 75 - 90 minutes in duration for conference settings to full week Organizational Training sessions.

Mouseover the titles below for more information.

Diversity - A Business Imperative

Learning Objectives:
    • Understand Future Demographic Trends
    • Understand Why Diversity is a Business Imperative
    • Interact in a Experiential Learning Environment
    • Understand the Meaning of Inclusiveness as it relates to Co-Workers and External Customers
Designing Your Career Parachute

Learning Objectives:
    • Preparing to Land Safely in Your Career Future
    • Understanding the Meaning of Career versus Job
    • Understand Goal-Setting
Student Leadership Retreats

Learning Objectives:
    • Leadership Qualities
    • Teamwork
    • Strategic Planning
Team Building for Resilience and Accomplishment

Learning Objectives:
    • Leadership Skills
    • DiSC Behavioral Styles
    • TEAM Structure/Relationship
    • Conflict Management
Conflict Resolution that Works

Learning Objectives:
    • Synergizing/Derailing Powers
    • Examining Individual Values
    • Communicating as a Transformer
The Learning Organization How To's

Learning Objectives:
    • Defining a Learning Organization
    • Learning Organization Principles
    • Incorporating Disciplines
Behavioral Styles and Communication

Learning Objectives:
    • Understanding Differences Between Styles
    • Identify Strengths and Opportunities
    • Understand Work Behavior Tendencies and How They Affect Others
    • Adaptation Approaches
Build Your Casa (Castle) Then Go Find Your Reno (Prince)

Learning Objectives:
    • Start Teen Women on a Lifelong Economic Journey
    • Introduction to Basic Business Vocabulary, Concepts, and Culture
    • Connect to Entrepreneur Women Role-Models
Managing Change and Transition

Learning Objectives:
    • Understand/Apply the Characteristics that Lead to Successful Change
    • Develop and Achieve Goals
    • Gain Control of the Change Process Through Different Strategies
Conducting a "Needs Based" Assessment with Your Client

Learning Objectives:
    • Doing Your Homework Before the Meeting
    • Asking Fact-Finding Questions
    • Summarizing Needs for Concurrence
Developing Skills as a Business Advocate

Learning Objectives:
    • Understand Technology Utilization in the Role of Business Advocate
    • Communication Skills
    • The Importance of Relationship Building
    • What Does "Being a Connector" Mean
    • The Importance of Follow-Up
Keys to Effective Communication

Learning Objectives:
    • Communication Components
    • Dynamics of Listening
    • Differences in How We Communicate
    • Critical Aspects of Effective Communication
Effective Listening Skills

Learning Objectives:
    • Listening Styles Profile
    • Verbal and Non-Verbal Communication
    • Non-Judgmental Listening Skills
Customer Service to Customer Astonishment

Learning Objectives:
    • Amaze the Customer Techniques
    • Anticipate Undiscovered Needs
    • Increase Understanding and Commitment
    • Create Loyal Relationships
Empowering People Through Delegation

Learning Objectives:
    • Benefits of Delegation
    • Obstacles to Delegation
    • Changing Paradigms
    • Delegation Process
    • Delegation Case Studies
Diffusing Angry Customers

Learning Objectives:
    • Know the Difference between Angry and Hostile or Abusive Behavior
    • Understand How Anger is Expressed
    • Accurately Reading Behavioral Messages
    • Responding Appropriately and Effectively
DISC - Understanding Self, Understanding Others

Learning Objectives:
    • Understand Self
    • Understand Others
    • Mutual Adaptation Skills
    • Balanced Work Projects and Outcomes
Economic Empowerment for Teenage Girls

Learning Objectives:
    • Reviewing Your Passion and Opportunities
    • Charting Your Future
    • Selecting Your Reinforcements
    • Acting on Your Goals
Entrepreneur Skills Necessary for Business Start-Ups

Learning Objectives:
    • Background and Trends
    • Assessing Your Readiness
    • Market Conditions
    • Financial Considerations
Even Eagles Need a Shove - Enhanced Leadership Skills

Learning Objectives:
    • The Nine Attributes of Leadership
    • Where Do You Fit Within the Ideal Fit
    • What is it Going to Take to Get You There
    • What Will be Accomplished
Getting Your Baby Toe In the Door - Sales Skills

Learning Objectives:
    • Qualifying Customers
    • Identify Potential Clients
    • Contact Flow
    • Selling Your Services/Products
    • Acquiring Sponsorship
    • Know When to Close
    • Know When to Fold
Interpersonal Communication Skills

Learning Objectives:
    • Interpersonal Communication Model
    • Transmission and Reception
    • Active Communication
    • Behavior Styles and Communication
    • Listening Techniques
Leadership Skills For the Future

Learning Objectives:
    • The Meaning of Leadership
    • Leadership versus Management
    • Facilitative Leadership as Partnership
Marketing Practicum

Learning Objectives:
    • Market Analysis
    • Market Strategy
    • Industry Description
    • Market Segmentation
    • Customer Profile
    • Market Size and Trends
    • Description of Competitive Environment
Mining Group Gold - Effective Meeting Structure

Learning Objectives:
    • Create Structure
    • Develop a Meeting Template
    • Understand "Stages of Group"
    • Learn Meeting Facilitation Techniques
    • Develop "Process Observation Skills"
Recruiting and Managing a Diverse Workforce

Learning Objectives:
    • Demographic Shifts
    • Diversity Recruitment Practices
    • Retaining a Diverse Workforce
    • Setting the Stage
    • On-Going Efforts
    • Key Areas for Diversity Integration
Sexual Harassment Prevention

Learning Objectives:
    • Definition
    • Roles and Responsibilities
    • Organizational "Must-Haves"
    • Types of Harassment
    • How to Handle an Investigation
Take Charge of Your Career

Learning Objectives:
    • Current Trends and Implications
    • Career Template
    • Business Fields
    • Personal Excellence Audit
    • Managing Your Objective
    • Resources
Dispelling Human Resource Professional Myths

Learning Objectives:
    • The Definition of Human Resources
    • Dispelling Human Resource Myths
    • How to Increase Human Effectiveness, Issues Facing Organizations
    • Organizational Development and Understanding of Behavior
    • Human Resource Professionals Critical Skills
    • Lessons Learned
Facilitation Techniques that Work!

Learning Objectives:
    • The Disciplines of Facilitation
    • Experience Disciplines
    • Develop Meeting Template
    • Learn What is Meant by Intervention
    • Understand "Stages of Group"
    • Develop "Process Observation Skills"
Coaching Employees for Success

Learning Objectives:
    • Improve Development Communication
    • Understand How To Give Effective Feedback
    • Understand the Importance of Improvement Action Plans
    • How to Conduct Performance Analysis
    • Coaching or Recognition
Why Supplier Diversity is a Business Imperative

Learning Objectives:
    • Diverse Business Entrepreneurs Descriptor
    • Procurement Trends Implications
    • Population Demographics and Purchasing Power
    • Financial Barriers
    • Entrepreneurs Contribute to Employment
    • Supplier Diversity Models
Resume Writing Skills - Snag That Ideal Career

Learning Objectives:
    • Understand the Intent of a Resume
    • Ensure Your Resume is Placed in the "Schedule an Interview" File
    • Align Key Attributes With Opportunity
    • Decide on the Best Style for Target Audience
    • Ensure Accomplishment-Based Style
Interviewing Skills for Your Next Career Move

Learning Objectives:
    • Build Foolproof Relationships
    • Effectively Communicate Strengths
    • Demonstrate Opportunity Related Talent and Skills
    • Follow-Up Protocol

Explore the many products and services that C.E.C.I. offers; contact us for a consultation.

Understanding the importance of diversity will improve my workplace.


Attending the workshop was a eye-opener because it made me aware of changes that are needed within my agency.

AZ Dept. of EEO

Reminded me of the importance of diversity, educated me about the groups of people that can inhibit/cause diversity, and motivated me to be more of a change agent.

AZ Dept. of EEO

Cecilia was very enthusiastic and knowledgeable.
